Order Now: (603) 890-3699
Why Foxx BioProcess?
BioProcess Caps and Gaskets + -
BioProcess Single Use + -
BioProcess MTO Single-Use + -
BioProcess Components + -
Tubing + -
Vent Filters + -
BioProcess Stainless Steel + -
Why Foxx Laboratory?
Bottles, Carboys, and Jerrycans + -
Laboratory Filtration and Membranes + -
Laboratory Safety + -
Glass Labware + -
Plastic Labware + -
Lab Rat Gifts + -
Sample Collection Supplies
1000ml Autofil® Bottle Top Filters
120mm Caps and Adapters
15ml Autofil® Bottle Top Filters
15ml Autofil® Centrifuge Filters
1L - 2L Brewtainers
2.5L - 75L Brewtainers
250ml Autofil® Bottle Top Filters
38-430mm Caps and Adapters
45mm Caps and Adapters
500ml Autofil® Bottle Top Filters
50ml Autofil® Bottle Top Filters
50ml Autofil® Centrifuge Filters
51S Caps and Adapters
53B Caps and Adapters
5L Flask
83B Caps and Adapters
Abdos Cryo Vials
Abdos Desiccators
Abdos Pipette Tips
Abdos Test Tubes
All Clear Polycarbonate Vacuum Desiccator
Amber HDPE Brewtainers
Amber HDPE Brewtainers with Spigot
Amber Stoppers
Amber Volumetric Flask
Aspirator Bottles
Autoclave Bags
Autofil Kickoff 2025 Sale
Autofil® Bottle Top Filters
Autofil® 2 Bottle Top Filters
Autofil® Bottle Mother Day Sale
Autofil® Centrifuge Bottles
Autofil® Centrifuge Filters
Autofil® Hardware
Autofil® Polycarbonate Centrifuge Bottles
Autofil® Polypropylene Centrifuge Bottles
Autofil® SS (Super Speed) Bottle Top Filters
Beakers with Handle
Beer Kits
Best Sellers Created from API
Best selling products
Bilayer Tubing
Biohazard Bags
BioHazard Waste
BioPointe Filter Pipette Tips
BioProcess Caps
BioProcess Caps and Gaskets
BioProcess Components
BioProcess Gaskets
BioProcess MTO Single-Use
BioProcess Stainless Steel
BioProcess Vent Filters
Borosil Glass Bottles
Borosil Lab Accessories
Borosil® Amber Glass
Borosil® Clear Glass
Borosil® Desiccators
Borosil® Weighing
Borosil® Wide Mouth Glass Reagent Bottles
Boston Square Storage Bottles
Bottle Top Dispensers
Bottle-Only Kits
Bottles, Carboys, and Jerrycans
Bow Ties
Brewtainers Homebrew Carboys
Brewtainers with Spigot
Can Insulator
Caps & Adapters
Caps and Adapters
Carboy Accessories
Carboy Caps and Adapters
Carboy Mixers
Carboy Rinse Station
Cell Spreader
Centrifuge Tube Assembly
Centrifuge Tubes
Chromatography Vials
ChromCap™ 100
ChromCap™ 300
Clear Glass Stoppers
Clear Volumetric Flasks
Color Change Racks
Complete Systems
Coplin Jar
COVID-19 Essential Products
CPC AseptiQuik Connectors Cyber Monday Sale 24
CPC AseptiQuik® Connectors
CPC AseptiQuik® G Connectors
CPC AseptiQuik® S Connectors
CPC Connectors
CPC MPC Connectors
CPC MPX Connectors
CPC Steam Thru Connectors Cyber Monday Sale 24
Craft Kits
Cryo PP
Cryogenic Storage
Culture Tubes
Custom Gaskets
Custom Single Use Assemblies
Dark Amber Polypropylene Brewtainers
Desiccator Accessories and Replacement Parts
Diagnostic Roll-Stock Membrane
Eldon James Adapter w/ NPT Thread
Eldon James Components
Eldon James Cross Fitting
Eldon James Equal 90 Degree Elbow
Eldon James Equal T Fitting
Eldon James Equal T-Connector
Eldon James Luer
Eldon James Luer Plug
Eldon James Plug
Eldon James Reducer
Eldon James Reduction Coupler
Eldon James Reduction T-Connector
Eldon James Reduction Y-Connector
Eldon James Sanitary Flange
Eldon James Straight Reducer
Eldon James Y-Connector
Erlenmeyer Borosilicate Glass Flasks
EZ Clear Carboys Cyber Monday Sale 2024
EZBio Bottle Assemblies Cyber Monday Sale 24
EZBio Vactrap S™
EZBio® Gamma Sterilized Carboys
EZBio® 13mm Vent Filters
EZBio® 40mm Vent Filters
EZBio® 50mm Vent Filters
EZBio® Anchor
EZBio® Anchor Gamma Irradiated
EZBio® Anchor Non-Sterile
EZBio® Bottle Assemblies
EZBio® Bottles
EZBio® Centrifuge Assemblies
EZBio® Centrifuge Tube Assemblies w/ Pinch Pipe
EZBio® Flask
EZBio® Flask Assembly
EZBio® Fluid Transfer
EZBio® Fluid Transfer Caps
EZBio® Gamma Sterilized Carboy Assemblies
EZBio® HDPE Carboys
EZBio® HDPE Non Sterile Carboys
EZBio® HDPE Single Use Carboy Assemblies
EZBio® HP 40mm Vent Filters
EZBio® HP 50mm Vent Filters
EZBio® Manifolds
EZBio® MCE Gridded Disc Filter
EZBio® MTO Bottle Assemblies
EZBio® MTO Cap Assemblies
EZBio® MTO Flask Assembly
EZBio® MTO Flask Cap Assembly
EZBio® MTO Pinch Pipe Bottle Assemblies
EZBio® Non-Sterile Bottles
EZBio® Non-Sterile Carboys
EZBio® PC Carboys
EZBio® PC Non Sterile Carboys
EZBio® PC Single Use Carboy Assemblies
EZBio® PC SUT Media Bottle Sale
EZBio® PETG Carboys
EZBio® PETG Non Sterile Carboys
EZBio® PETG Single Use Carboy Assemblies
EZBio® PETG Sterilized Bottles
EZBio® PP Carboys
EZBio® PP Non Sterile Carboys
EZBio® PP Single Use Carboy Assemblies
EZBio® PVDF Anchors
EZBio® Single Use Bag Assembly
EZBio® Single Use Bottles Cap Assembly
EZBio® Single Use Custom Assembly
EZBio® Single Use Ultra Bag Assembly
EZBio® Square Non-Sterile Bottles
EZBio® Square Sterile Bottles
EZBio® Stainless Steel Balance Spoon
EZBio® Stainless Steel Funnel
EZBio® Stainless Steel Offset Spoon
EZBio® Stainless Steel Pharma Scoop
EZBio® Stainless Steel Spatula
EZBio® Stainless Steel Spoon Spatula
EZBio® Titanium Round Carboys
EZBio® Titanium Square Bottle Assembly - Non Sterile
EZBio® Titanium Square Bottles
EZBio®pure Feed System
EZBio®pure PFA Bottle
EZBio®pure PFA Bottles
EZBio®pure S MTO Bottle Assemblies
EZBio®pure S MTO Cap Assemblies
EZBio®pure Titanium Round Bottle Assemblies
EZBio®pure Titanium Round Cap Assemblies
EZBio®pure Titanium Round Media Bottles
EZBio®pure Titanium Round MTO Bottle Assemblies
EZBio®pure Titanium Round MTO Cap Assemblies
EZBio®pure TR MTO Bottles
EZclear Flasks
EZclear® Erlenmeyer Flasks
EZclear® Non-Sterile Erlenmeyer Flasks
EZclear® PETG Carboys
EZclear® Polycarbonate Carboys
EZclear® Sterile Erlenmeyer Flasks
EZFlow® CA Syringe Filters
EZFlow® Cell Strainers
EZFlow® Glass Fiber Membrane Disc Filters
EZFlow® Glass Fiber Syringe Filters
EZFlow® Glass Filtration Assembly
EZFlow® Glass Filtration Replacement Parts
EZFlow® Glass Filtration Tools
EZFlow® Hydrophilic PTFE Syringe Filters
EZFlow® Hydrophobic PTFE Membrane Disc Filters
EZFlow® Hydrophobic PTFE Syringe Filters
EZFlow® Membrane Disc Filters
EZFlow® Nylon Membrane Disc Filters
EZFlow® Nylon Syringe Filters
EZFlow® PES Membrane Disc Filters
EZFlow® PES Syringe Filters
EZFlow® Polypropylene Syringe Filters
EZFlow® PVDF Syringe Filter
EZFlow® Syringe Filters
EZFlow® Vent Filters
EZgrip® Amber Carboys
EZgrip® Carboys with Spigot
EZgrip® Dark Amber Carboys
EZgrip® HDPE Carboys
EZgrip® Polypropylene Carboys
EZgrip® Polypropylene Carboys with 3" Sanitary Top
EZLabpureᵀᴹ Wide Mouth Carboys
EZLabpure™ Bottles
EZLabpure™ Media Bottles
EZLabpure™ Round Vacuum Bottles
EZLabpure™ Titanium Round Carboys
EZMicro™ Funnel Monitor
EZwaste® Exhaust Filters - HPLC Downstream
EZWaste® Filter Kit 38-430mm
EZWaste® Filter Kit 51S
EZWaste® Filter Kit 53B
EZWaste® Filter Kit 83B
EZWaste® Filter Kit GL45
EZWaste® Filter Kit S70
EZwaste® Filter Kits - HPLC Downstream
EZwaste® HD Carboys - HPLC Downstream
EZWaste® Heavy Duty Bottles - HPLC Downstream
EZwaste® HPLC 38-430mm
EZwaste® HPLC 51S
EZwaste® HPLC 53B
EZwaste® HPLC 83B
EZwaste® HPLC Caps - Downstream
EZwaste® HPLC GL45
EZwaste® HPLC S70
EZwaste® Replacement Fittings - HPLC Downstream
EZwaste® Safety Funnels
EZwaste® Tight-Heads/Jerrycans - HPLC Downstream
Featured Products
FEP Tubing
Filter Membrane Roll Stock
Filtration Leap your Savings Offer
Fixed Premium Pipette
Fluid management Leap Your Savings Offer
Fluoro Elastomer Tubing
Foxx Life Sciences Quick Order
Foxx Vent Filters
Free Product Collection
Freezer Racks
Gas Generator
General Filtration
George™ Roller Bottles
GL45 Glass Caps and Adapters
GL45 Media Bottle Caps
GL45 Plastic Caps and Adapters
Glass Beakers
Glass Erlenmeyer Flasks
Glass Filtration Assembly
Glass Labware
Glass Stirrers
Glass Stoppers
Glassware 24 Percent Off in 2024 Offer
Halloween Sale Carboys
HD Vaccum bottles
HDPE Boston Square Bottles
HDPE Brewtainers
HDPE Brewtainers with Spigot
HDPE Heavy Duty Vacuum Bottles
Heavy Duty Vacuum Bottles
HPLC Amber - Upstream
HPLC ChromCap Assemblies - Upstream
HPLC Clear - Upstream
HPLC Solvent Reservoirs - Upstream
HPLC Solvent Waste
Hydrophilic Roll-Stock Membranes
Hydrophobic Roll-Stock Membranes
Infectious Awareables
Inflatable Gaskets
Justrite Safety Cans
Kleenpak® Connectors
Lab Rat Gifts
Labor Day Sale 2024
Laboratory Bags
Laboratory Filtration and Membranes
Laboratory Racks
Laboratory Safety Accessories - HPLC Downstream
Laboratory Safety and Vacuum Traps
Low Retention Filter Tips
Magnetic Mixers
Mansingh Survismeter & Viscometer
Measuring Cylinder
Membrane Discs
Micro Centrifuge Tubes
Microscope Slides & Cover Glass
Mohr Pipettes
Mouse Pads
Multi Purpose Racks
New products
New Products
Newest Products
Non-Sterile PC EZBio® Bottle
Non-Sterile PETG EZBio® Bottle
Non-Sterile VersaCap® Filling and Venting Closures
Oetiker Ear Clamps
Olga™ Povitsky Cell Culture Bottle
One Compartment
Pasteur Pipette
PC EZBio® Bottle
PC EZBio® Single Use Bottles Assembly
PCR Workup Rack
PETG Heavy Duty Vacuum Bottles
PETG Boston Square Bottles
PETG Brewtainers
PETG EZBio® Bottle
PETG EZBio® Single Use Bottles Assembly
PETG Media Bottles
Petri Dishes
PFA Bottles Cyber Monday Sale 24
Plain Desiccators
Plastic and Glass Beakers
Plastic Beakers
Plastic Labware
Plastic Test Tubes and Vials
Plasticware 24 Percent Off in 2024 Offer
Plush Toys
Polycarbonate Brewtainers
Polycarbonate Media Bottles
Polypropylene Autofil® Bottle Top Filter
Polypropylene Boston Square Bottles
Polypropylene Brewtainers
Polypropylene HD Vacuum Bottles
Polypropylene Stoppers
Polystyrene Media Bottles
Powder Cap with 4" Tri-Clamp
PP Brewtainers with Spigot
PPE, Face Shields, and Respirator Masks
Pressure Sensors
PUREGRIP® Amber Media Bottles
PUREGRIP® Aspirator Bottles
PUREGRIP® Erlenmeyer Flasks
PUREGRIP® Glass Carboys
PUREGRIP® Glass Media Bottles
PUREGRIP® Media Bottles
Quartz Ware
Racked Filtered Pipette Tips
Racked Micro Pipette Tips
Reducer Tubing Adapters
Replacement Breakthrough Indicators
Resealable Bags
Rhino Bottles and Carboys
Ria Vials
Round Carboys
S70 Caps and Adapters
Sample Container
Science Gifts
Science Jewelry
Science Kits
Science Mugs
Science Ties
Science Toys
Secondary Containers
SECUREgrasp® Media Bottles
Self Standing Centrifuge Tubes
Separating Funnels
Serological Pipettes
Silicone Hose
Silicone Tubing
Single Use Bioprocess
Single Use Bioprocess Sweet Deals Offer
Sintered Ware
Soft Inoculation Loop
Stackable Tapered Beakers
Steam-Thru® Connectors
Storage Bottles
Storage Vials
Stress Relievers
Supreme Bottle Top Dispenser
Supreme Duet Bottle Top Dispenser
Supreme Plus Bottle Top Dispenser
T Connector Tubing Adapters
Test Collection
Test Tube Racks
Test Tubes
Thames & Kosmos
Three Compartments
Top Selling Products Weekly
TPE Tubing
Travel Mugs
Tri-Clover Gaskets
Tri-Clover Sifter Gaskets
Tubing Adapters
Two Compartments
UN/DOT Containers
Vactrap 2 Cap Assembly
Vactrap G Cap Assembly
Vactrap2™ Round
Vactrap™ G (Glass)
Vactrap™ HDPE
Vactrap™ PP
Vactrap™ Vacuum Trap Systems
Vactrap™ XL
Vactrap™ XL HDPE
Vactrap™ XL PP
Vactrap™ XL Round
Vacuum Desiccator
Vacuum Desiccators
Vent Filter With Tubing
Vent Filters
VersaBarb® Spigots and Fittings
VersaCap® Caps & Adapters
VersaCap® Carboy Caps and Adapters
VersaCap® Erlenmeyer Flask Caps
Volumetric Flask
Volumetric Pipettes
Watch Glasses
Water Bottles
Workspace Guards
Y Connector Tubing Adapter
Year End Sale 2023
Year End Sale 2023 Combo Offer