Foxx Blog
Foxx In News 2025Ways to Enhance the Efficiency of your Laboratory with Carboys!
amber biotechnology carboys Foxx Life Sciences laboratory carboys laboratory equipment laboratory glassware LiquidStorage pharmaceutical plastic labware scientific research single-use system single-use technology
Carboys are one of the important components for your laboratory.
They are made of, glass or plastic, and are used for storing, mixing and dispensing solutions. They are used in a broad range of industries, from food and beverage, research or production laboratories and in pharmaceutical production. Carboys are available in a variety of volumes, and materials. From Crystal Clear Polycarbonate or PETG, to Amber HDPE or Dark Amber Polypropylene for light libel products. The material and volume are dictated by the solutions used and volume needed by the researcher.
NEW Foxx Collection Feature: Petri Dishes
Borosil Borosilicate Glass Petri Dishes Cell Culture Foxx Life Sciences Laboratory Glassware Laboratory Petri Dishes Labware Microbial Culture Petri Dishes Reusable Petri Dishes
A petri dish is a shallow, transparent dish that biologists use to culture cells. Culturing cells is a tedious process that refers to the removal of cells from an animal or plant and their growth in an artificial, controlled environment. The petri dish is a staple in laboratories and scientists use them every day. It has been common since the late 19th century. The BioMedical Scientist of IBMS quotes Andrea Sella, an award-winning chemist, broadcaster and classic science kit and equipment enthusiast, in an article titled “The Big Story, The Petri Dish.” She says the following: “[Petri Dish] means ‘living...