Foxx Blog
NEW Foxx Collection Feature: Erlenmeyer Flasks
Borosil Erlenmeyer Flasks EZclear Flask Mixing Foxx Life Sciences Foxx PUREGRIP Polycarbonate Flasks Polypropylene Caps Sterile and Non-Sterile Flask VersaCap
Erlenmeyer Flasks are cone-shaped laboratory flasks with a narrow neck. They are used to reduce evaporation and contamination by airborne bacterial, fungal, and chemical contaminants. Workers can store, heat, cool, mix, etc., liquids in these flasks. You most likely have seen one before on television or in a science lab, as they are extremely common! These types of flasks make the process of mixing materials better because the products can be easily swirled without the risk of the contents spilling. Foxx Life Sciences offers plastic and glass beakers, but for this specific purpose, we offer our Erlenmeyer Flasks. Learn more...